Thanks to Deborah Dutcher, Youth Services Librarian at the NH State Library for these great options.  Let us know which ones you try out.

Center for Puppetry Arts to live stream performances

Storyline Online

An online calendar of KidLit events including schedules for creators reading from their own work/sharing things online

LivBits Let’s Keep Reading:  list of authors and illustrators, etc who will be doing regular live readings or interactive sessions

Picture Book Read Alouds – this is made up of authors reading their own work, including a list from the Indianapolis Public Library with over 100 titles, and titles in other languages. 

Read, Wonder, and Learn – this is a lot of authors sharing lessons, excerpts, etc from their books.

Authors Everywhere  – A YouTube channel with authors sharing their books and work, will also, hopefully, host panels and other discussions. 

Jarrett Lerner’s Activities Page – lots of print outs/activities that encourage creativity and story creation – I think a fun thing to do would be to pick a certain page and encourage all kids (and adults!) to work on it and then have them tag the library on social media in their finished work.

Lunch Doodles with Mo Williams Mo Willems invites YOU into his studio every day for his LUNCH DOODLE. Learners worldwide can draw, doodle and explore new ways of writing by visiting Mo’s studio virtually once a day for the next few weeks. Grab some paper and pencils, pens, or crayons and join Mo to explore ways of writing and making together.

Reading Connects Us – A newsletter about virtual learning that is full of links to lessons, things authors are sharing, etc.

Curious City DPW – KidLit Programming Guides, Classroom Activities & Giveaways!!

Candlewick’s downloadable and printable activities.

Virtual programming for teens

Teaching remotely to grades K-12-free resources and strategies from Scholastic

Over 450 Manga Volumes Released Online for Free